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Cancer - June 22 to July 22

Cancer Horoscope 2014 - Yearly horoscope forecast:


With Jupiter in your solar first house of personality until 16 July 2014, everyone is inviting you to attend their dinner party, birthday bash, BBQ, soiree, picnic, cocktail party, wedding, baby shower, or other celebration. So as you enjoy being the centre of attention, you may notice that your waistline rises with your popularity with all that extra good food and drink! This is the perfect time to push ahead with your personal plans as so many people will be willing to help you achieve your goals. (In fact, people are always willing to help, but most people are too shy to ask for it.) Make sure you’re the most beautiful/handsomest bull in town by having your hair done, investing in some gorgeous new clothes and making sure you look wonderful. I love 24 July for you to feel on top of the world. You may fall in love, get married, go on honeymoon or travel but you’ll feel like the world is your oyster. Two other fabulous dates to push your own agenda successfully are 18 June and 6 May.

On 16 July 2014, Jupiter moves into your solar second house of income. This is the house Taurus rules, and when the planet of abundance splashes around in money, well, you should look forward to quite the cash bonanza! You can spot amazing financial opportunities now and make more money simply by reorganising your budget, perhaps getting a sum taken out first to go into an account you can’t (easily) access. Expect to earn more money, receive a raise, bonus, extra commission, mate’s rates, discounts, rebates, special member-only offers and other favourable terms. Ask for a better mortgage or credit card deal, too. You could receive an incredibly beautiful and/or luxurious gift or money from a loved one on 18 August. Your charm today makes it near-impossible to refuse you, especially for anything financially-related!  Use a sudden flash of inspiration on 25 September to make more money. A friend may give you an insider’s tip which grows your bank balance too. Don’t assume however that the cashflow will continue at this rate; Jupiter goes retrograde from  8 December until 31 December 2014. Financial opportunities may dry up or investment avenues take longer to get approved. You may have to rein in your spending so you can afford to pay a large bill which you may have forgotten was due.


On 6 October 2012 Saturn has entered your solar fifth house of love and creativity where he will stay until 24 December 2014. Love becomes deeper now: you’ll be looking for a commitment and you’ll need to give it time to mature. Dating Cancerians may fall for older, more established, conservative, and serious types, or Capricorns!

Many Cancer have begun serious romances, become engaged, married or first-time parents since Saturn entered your solar fifth house of love and creativity. Saturn has been slowly eliminating the poor romantic choices, forcing you to consider the good guys, the ones who’ll stick around. He’s also been getting you to think hard about parenting: taking the plunge, getting pregnant and all the pros and cons of creating your own family. It’s time to make a decision regarding children. Some of you will discover you cannot have them while others may take a little while to fall pregnant. Still other Cancerians will fall for single parents, and no, it won’t be like on The Brady Bunch. You may have to work quite hard to win their children’s affection, respect and trust. Married Cancerians will have to schedule Date Nights to maintain the romantic feeling.

If you’re already in a relationship you may have had fears about settling down (or just settling) while pregnancy could have been a struggle – or an (initially) unpleasant shock. For some of you, you’ve had to “work” at Feeling The Love. Scheduled Date Nights may not have the romantic spontaneity you crave but they create the sense of connection you need. In a completely different area, you may have turned your one-time fun hobby into a sideline business (Saturn is very serious about getting a return on everything). By the time he leaves this house, on 24 December 2014 your attitudes toward love and children will have matured. With Pluto in your solar seventh house of relationships, you have a very long period during which you are tackling issues including toxic relationships, sexually-charged but emotionally empty attractions, loneliness, possessiveness, jealousy, envy and distrust. Yes, lots of fun. If you’re single now you may want to get some clarity on how to move forward to find The One.

Circle 24 May for a deeply romantic evening. Cancerians in relationships may enjoy departing on an interstate or overseas holiday then. A proposal, an engagement ring, a wedding date or an eternity ring if you’ve been together for years may be yours on the very wonderful 26 December.

Saturn goes retrograde from 2 March to 20 July. During this time you may get a case of cold feet regarding your responsibilities to do with your lover, pregnancy, parenting or children. You may experience delays or difficulties in getting dates, pregnant or feeling in the mood for love-making, too! Something you used to find fun could seem like a chore now. You could be contacted by an ex-lover who regrets ending your relationship which will upset your current partner and/or yourself, yet you will get closure from this contact. 

Love and Relationships for Cancer

Like Taurus, Cancer likes committed relationships. Cancerians function best when the relationship is clearly defined and everyone knows his or her role. When they marry it is usually for life. They are extremely loyal to their beloved. But there is a deep little secret that most Cancerians will never admit to: commitment or partnership is really a chore and a duty to them. They enter into it because they know of no other way to create the family that they desire. Union is just a way – a means to an end – rather than an end in itself. The family is the ultimate end for them.

If you are in love with a Cancerian you must tread lightly on his or her feelings. It will take you a good deal of time to realize how deep and sensitive Cancerians can be. The smallest negativity upsets them. Your tone of voice, your irritation, a look in your eye or an expression on your face can cause great distress for the Cancerian. Your slightest gesture is registered by them and reacted to. This can be hard to get used to, but stick by your love – Cancerians make great partners once you learn how to deal with them. Your Cancerian lover will react not so much to what you say but to the way you are actually feeling at the moment.

Cancer Love Horoscope 2014 - Love and Relationship trends 2014

Saturn in Scorpio, Your Fifth House of True Love  until December 2014

Romance certainly has been a touchy point for Cancer ever since Saturn, the "tough love" teacher planet, settled into your love sector in  Octomber 2012. Happily, Saturn will leave this area of your chart in early 23 December, 2014, so in the meantime, you are learning a great deal about matters of the heart.
Let's take a moment to review what might have happened in your love life since 2012 when Saturn first arrived in your fifth house of love and romance. The fifth house is all about romance and fun, but Saturn is all about hard work and sacrifice. As you see, hosting Saturn in that house is a bit like an astrological oxymoron, as Saturn is not exactly a lighthearted planet. Single Cancer were (and still are) among the most affected by this condition, for Saturn was in the house of brand new or newly ongoing love, not the house of established love and marriage. Saturn often brings enforced separations, often due to circumstances beyond our control. Here are some examples.
If you are single and dating, you may have noticed that the only interesting person(s) you have met over the past two years were ones that were based in a city very far from yours. With Saturn in the fifth house, you would be prone to meet partners who (for example) were either living at a distance, in graduate school studying all the time, or need to travel a lot for work. There are other instances that would explain why your partner is unavailable. Your new love interest may not yet be divorced (or worse, not even planning to leave), or else may still be pining over a long lost breakup in a previous relationship. How frustrating! No matter how much time you have together now, it probably does not feel like enough time. There were obstacles, for sure.
If you are a parent, you may have experienced a different manifestation from Saturn. The fifth house rules the care and love of children, too. You may have been very worried about the welfare of one (or all) of your children lately, say, because you may have been going through a divorce and were worried about how your children would cope. Or, if you found that your child has a disorder and needs medical or psychological help, the time Saturn spent (and will continue to spend) in your fifth house was time to address that problem and get wise advice from professionals. If one child was not doing well in school, you may have opted for costly tutors to help your child get on his feet.
 If you have an older child, say, in college or even who has graduated college, you may have had to give your son or daughter money or their former bedroom back to help your offspring survive economically.  With Saturn now touring your fifth house of children, you may have had (or may soon will have) to go into debt to help your child.

Not all situations required money, but rather time, which is still another precious resource Saturn rules. If you had your first baby during Saturn's stay, as one example, you may have found the changeover from single and free to married with baby to be a tricky transition. You may have been surprised to find out that babies need a lot more time and attention than you assumed! Saturn asks us to personally sacrifice things for a larger, more important goal, and here he is teaching you the value of delayed gratification.
Concerning pregnancy, some Cancer experienced a different side to Saturn—the tendency to bring delays. In this case, you may have decided to delay a pregnancy because the time was not quite right to start a family. If that describes your situation, after Saturn leaves your fifth house in December you likely won't have as pressing a need to hold off starting your family as you did previously. Something will change, and it may make you very excited about inviting the stork to visit.

Be patient—Saturn will not bar you from finding love, having a baby, or finishing your project, but Saturn will set up a few obstacles to test your flexibility, adaptability, devotion, loyalty, maturity, and patience. By now you have become quite an expert at surviving Saturn's tests, and in 2014 you will still become more practical and experienced in dealing with these matters.

Jupiter is in Cancer and during The First Half of the Year, You are the Celestial Favorite

You may have looked high and low for your one true love over the past few years if you are single, and things may have turned up empty. You didn't have spectacular aspects for finding love, dear Cancer. It wasn't you—other parts of life were demanding your prime attention. Now, just when you were about to give up on love, a miracle arrives. You appear to be on the cusp of a fateful meeting; from January through July 27, 2014, your outlook for love has never been better.
The ancient astrologers always wrote about how dazzling the year was when Jupiter visited our own sign. Life can't always be this special, but when it is, you must enjoy it to the fullest. Jupiter, the great benefactor planet, is now in Cancer and will give you a wild advantage in finding the person who is likely to be your one true love. Your period of opportunity may seem short, but it will be packed with incredibly potent vibrations. You'll feel confident, secure, and supremely attractive—all qualities considered aphrodisiacs when it comes to catching the eye of someone special. During the first half of 2014, you may be bewildered at the level of popularity you enjoy, but just give in to it. As I said earlier, this is a landmark year that will set the tone for many years to come!
In truth, Jupiter first entered Cancer last year, back on June, 2013, and has been in your sign ever since.  As January begins, Jupiter in Cancer will continue to ramp up and become increasingly stronger. You will have until July 27 to make exceptional progress. Have your wish list ready, because it's not if you will succeed, but when!
Many new faces will stream into your life now, adding a sensational level of excitement. Among the new people you meet will be at least one intriguing person you will want to get to know better. Your chances of finding love have never been better, so do your part by being open to new types and by circulating quite a bit during the first half of 2014.

So as you see, romance could be wonderful for you, and truly, this is an area you are due for special consideration. Yet it goes beyond Jupiter—I haven't even scratched the surface as to why you should be excited by your romantic prospects.

Financial Horoscope for Cancer

The Cancer-born has a deep sense of what other people feel about things and why they feel as they do. This faculty is a great asset in the workplace and in the business world. Of course it is also indispensable in raising a family and building a home, but it also has its uses in business. Cancerians often attain great wealth in a family business. Even if the business is not a family operation, they will treat it as one. If the Cancerian works for somebody else, then the boss is the parental figure and the co-workers are brothers and sisters. If a Cancerian is the boss, then all the workers are his or her children. Cancerians like the feeling of being providers for others. They enjoy knowing that others derive their sustenance because of what they do. It is another form of nurturing.

With Leo on their solar 2nd house (of money) cusp, Cancerians are often lucky speculators, especially with residential property or hotels and restaurants. Resort hotels and nightclubs are also profitable for the Cancerian. Waterside properties allure them. Though they are basically conventional people, they sometimes like to earn their livelihood in glamorous ways.

The Sun, Cancer’s money planet, represents an important financial message: in financial matters Cancerians need to be less moody, more stable and fixed. They cannot allow their moods – which are here today and gone tomorrow – to get in the way of their business lives. They need to develop their self-esteem and feelings of self-worth if they are to realize their greatest financial potential.

Cancer Money Horoscope 2014

Saturn is in your fifth house, a house considered a house of creativity and other matters, but this house is also associated with financial speculation, specifically, money you would put in the stock market. So there is still another way things may have worked out for you with Saturn in your fifth house. This same area that we have talked about (that covers romance, love, and children) also covers your creative projects. You may find one assignment has taken more time and money to complete than you had previously estimated. Sometimes that happens, and you had little choice but to do what you had to do to maintain the integrity of the project and finish it.
Money—in terms of income and wealth—is found in a complex way in a chart. It is clear that your financial picture is improving in a gratifying way. Be careful about any speculative investments you make in the stock market, or in any risky business venture for that matter. In the coming year, go for tried-and-true stocks and deals and stay on the safe side. Of course, if you have a trusted broker or financial advisor, huddle with that person and take that person's advice.

I love the aspects of September 25, when Uranus will receive shimmering vibrations from Jupiter. Jupiter will be ensconced in your salary sector by then, so you'd have an excellent chance of seeing your income rise, perhaps when you get a surprise. This day will be nestled in between difficult ones, like a jewel surrounded by thorns, but you still can benefit if you carefully choose your day to initiate action.

Career, Work and Public Image for Cancer

Aries rules the 10th solar house (of career) cusp of Cancer, which indicates that Cancerians long to start their own business, to be more active publicly and politically and to be more independent. Family responsibilities and a fear of hurting other people’s feelings – or getting hurt themselves – often inhibit them from attaining these goals. However, this is what they want and long to do.

Cancerians like their bosses and leaders to act freely and to be a bit self-willed. They can deal with that in a superior. They expect their leaders to be fierce on their behalf. When the Cancerian is in the position of boss or superior he or she behaves very much like a ‘warlord’. Of course the wars they wage are not egocentric but in defence of those under their care. If they lack some of this fighting instinct – independence and pioneering spirit – Cancerians will have extreme difficulty in attaining their highest career goals. They will be hampered in their attempts to lead others.

Since they are so parental, Cancerians like to work with children and make great educators and teachers.

Cancer Career Horoscope 2014 - Work Trends 2014

Mission One in 2014: To Revitalize Your Career While Avoiding Pitfalls Caused By Impulsiveness—Uranus Will Be in Aries until 2019

Your most pressing task is to reinvent and revamp your career. There were signals that this would be necessary in 2013 or even the year before that. This is not easy to do, of course, so it would be understandable if you found the process taking much time and thought.
It was easy to see that reinventing yourself on the job was going to have to be a big priority. It didn't hurt that getting a better position would bring in more money—that always helps in periods of transition. It was set then—career had to take first priority.
Uranus, the planet of out-of-the-blue developments, arrived in March 2011 and will stay until September 2019. The so-called "outer planets"—the ones that spin on the outer edges of our solar system—set up the major themes that we work on for years at a time. This group of planets, which include Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, move slowly and remain quite awhile in each part of the chart that they visit. This allows these planets to have a more lasting, memorable effect. With the exception of Jupiter (which stays a year) and Saturn (which stays two years), the rest of this gang stays between seven and sixteen years in a sign.
Uranus is one of the outer planets, and although he may move slowly, he brings results very quickly. There is a reason this planet is called the Great Awakener—his messages are delivered like lightning bolts. Having Uranus in your tenth house of professional success and reputation meant life at the office was not going to be dull any more, not by any means. While many of the surprises you experienced in 2013 were welcome, some were not, and you might have suffered a reversal or two.

This on/off, up/down, positive/negative charge will continue for several more years, until late 2019. Uranus rules alternating current of electricity (among other things), so you get the picture. The main job of Uranus is to teach us to think on our feet, to overcome adversity when necessary, and to become flexible, resourceful, and adaptable.
You were, and will still be, ready to rework your career, perhaps taking apart the pieces—each piece representing facets of your experience and talents—and reassembling them in a new way, like a magic puzzle that has more than one way to fit together to create a finished result.

It is not a question of simply finding a new job or a new career direction that suits the marketplace (although that's become increasingly important to you too), but to choose your life's true vocation. That's a hugely important distinction, for Uranus will fuel your passion if you find the occupation that can do that for you. Your focus in 2014 will be to find ways to motivate yourself continually and rekindle your enthusiasm for your work, for if you do, you will turn yourself into a standout.

You are currently moving into new, and at times, ambiguous territory where getting the right information is going to take some work, and in some cases will not be possible at all. Uranus can bring the kind of situations that have to be decided upon in the blink of an eye, creating a danger from lack of preparation or knowledge about standards, rules, and regulations. When it comes to business, you had to learn those rules before jumping in, even if you didn't have any interest in doing so, because if you didn't, or don't in the future, there would be consequences. You have your reading cut out for you, but you may have had to hire the right experts to advise you and also listen to "street talk," which will prove to be the most valuable of all. With so many planets in earth signs, being street savvy and practical will be important assets.
You will find out all the facts you need to know eventually and only after you are in the situation, but the sticky part is that you'll need to make certain decisions ahead of time. This has forced, and will continue to force, you to rely on your instincts. Fortunately, as a water sign, your intuition is your strong suit. Yet at the same time, the moon rules your sign, dear Cancer, and the moon causes you to vacillate, look back, and relentlessly second-guess yourself. No one would have fared better than you in the same situation (and could possibly have fared much worse), so there was no need to be hard on yourself. You are doing so well!
The Solution: Be Experimental and Innovative in Your Work

Uranus brings a disruptive, staccato (rather than a smooth) influence, so you may have made a career switch last year when you felt either bored, stagnating, or out of step with the spirit and needs of the times. With pressures as black and white as the ones you were feeling, you likely felt an overwhelming need to do something—anything! If you didn't change jobs or entire careers last year, you could at any time in the coming years.
If you discover you don't like the new position you took last year, you still may change it again this year, as experimentation often marks the once-in-a-lifetime trend that Uranus initiates over a seven-year period. Yet as mentioned, you aren't looking for just a job, but something much more ambitious—something you can fully embrace. You want a position where you can contribute knowledge, innovation, and leadership, and where you can make life better for others.
You also will want your new work to be in alignment with your values. With Uranus in this house, it would be unlikely that you would work for a company known to pollute the water supply if protecting the environment is a priority for you. In other words, you will want to align your inner values to your public persona and life's work.
Additionally, Uranus' journey through Aries puts a huge premium on independence and autonomy. You may have started, or may soon start, your own business, for Aries is the sign of the entrepreneur, and having your own shop would give you the freedom you crave. If you take a position working for others, be sure you won't be overly supervised, as this would be an instant turn-off and make you bolt in time.
Aries also is all about things new, so increasingly, you will be drawn to work in futuristic fields, such as in digital media, computerized cars, high-tech electronics, or any job that takes technology to new heights. The "green" industry fits that description, for sure. Uranus is also the planet said to represent the common man, the defender of rights, and of social reform. For these reasons you may be drawn to humanitarian/charitable/community or social work, or even to politics.
The idea of hosting Uranus, a planet known to create upheaval, in your tenth house of fame, honors, and prestigious professional advancement until 2019 may sound daunting, but this can also be the miraculous career development you've long awaited.
Uranus can set you on top of the mountain, dear Cancer. This planet is capable of creating the conditions where you find the right setting to showcase your talents. It is said that Uranus in this house can make you quite famous in your industry or in the world at large. Uranus is associated with a powerful, ambitious, and passionate expression of individuality, innovation, talent, and brilliance. Mercury rules thinking, but Uranus is the higher octave to Mercury, bringing the brainy functions of thinking, perception, communication, and the generation of ideas to a whole new level—that of genius.
People born with this planet in their tenth house couldn't care less about what other people think or say about them, so freed from the need to be "liked" makes them able to turn convention on its ear and think outside the box. People with a strongly placed Uranus (as you have now) have a different yardstick for success, and it's internal. These people say their mission is to challenge the status quo as well as conventional thinking, and continually to ask why things have to be the traditional way. While I don't know where your natal Uranus is based in your birth horoscope, dear Cancer, I do know you will host Uranus in this lofty professional tenth house for many years—and in that respect, you will get to have a taste of what people who were born with this aspect experience.
The late Steve Jobs had natal Uranus in this tenth house of fame all during his life, the same place you will host Uranus from now until 2019. Steve was a Pisces with Virgo rising and had Uranus conjunct Jupiter in Cancer in his tenth house, giving him the gift of innovation and creativity. He is now hailed as an unconventional genius, a Thomas Edison of our time, but he was misunderstood and undervalued most of his life. He didn't care. He didn't let the critics who made fun of Apple during its formative years faze him, and he continued on his mission. Take inspiration from Steve Jobs!
Because Uranus only comes by for a seven-year visit once in a lifetime, since its journey around the Sun takes 84 years, you will be given a rare opportunity to climb to the top of the mountain and make your mark. This planet will also see to it that you remain in front and ahead of the pack with the work that you do. Uranus will give you the chance to strut your stuff. You may be called idiosyncratic and maybe even difficult in the process—most highly successful leaders are called that and more—but what do you care? By the time you get to 2019, you will have found your place in the world, and your contribution will be undisputed. This won't happen all by itself—you have to want it and work to build your reputation, of course, but if you do, the sky's the limit for you, dear Cancer.

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