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Gemini - May 22 to June 21

2014 Gemini Horoscope - Yearly horoscope forecast:


Since 26 June 2013 you may have noticed that your financial situation has been improving. This has been thanks to Jupiter in your solar second house of income, showering you with (at least one raise), bonuses, extra commission, more clients, refunds, rebates, mates’ rates, discounts, freebies, gifts, access to luxurious possessions and more income from investments. Jupiter stays here until 16 July 2014, giving you another six months to sock the cash away. Use this remaining time to investigate investments that can give you capital growth and/or cashflow. The BEST day ever for you financially this year is 24 July 2014 when you’ll benefit from Sun conjunction with Jupiter, helping you to make more money from investments, your job and/or own business. This is such an amazing line-up that you should plan ahead now to use this to apply for a loan, ask for a raise and/or more commission, pitch your business to a number of influential clients and to promote yourself to win financially. Two other good days for monetary success are 18 June and 6 May.

On 16 July 2014, Jupiter moves into Leo, in your solar third house of communication. You’ll be doing a lot of errands, seemingly always in the car, getting a cauliflower ear from being on the phone, and RSI from typing on your laptop, iPad or iPhone. Your capacity to learn, plus your curiosity is immense now. If you’ve been feeling bored, now is to time to learn new skills, especially to do with languages, numerics, sales, marketing, negotiation, deal-making, the internet and publishing. Now is a great time to meet your neighbours, attend community events and participate in your neighbourhood. You can enjoy spending more time with your brothers and sisters now too. Circle 25 September for a fantastic day when you can convince anyone you love – or like! – to do anything. Some of you may discuss going on an interstate or overseas trip now. You can gain enormous publicity about yourself or something that interests you, making this a fantastic day to make an important presentation or to promote something. When Jupiter goes retrograde from 8 December until 31 December 2014, you may find it takes more effort to get your proposals and projects approved. You may find people don’t understand you or that your paperwork isn’t getting through to the right people. Allow for delays.


The good news is that you’ve only got grumpy Saturn in your solar sixth house of work and health until  24 December 2014. The bad news (OK, take a deep breath): You’ll be working rather hard with little thanks, encouragement or pay raises until then.

If Saturn was a boss, he would be very difficult to work for. Whatever results you bust a gut to achieve, he expects as routine. He rarely hands out compliments, and only agrees to raises if you’ve done some MBA-level cashflow analysis proving the direct correlation between your employment there and the company’s ROI. Just for good measure, he will point out your numerous areas of improvement.

Saturn wants you to work hard – so he can give you extra responsibility to do even more. Ironic, eh? As the sixth house rules colleagues, your workmates may be glum, negative and pessimistic, too during this time. And if you wanted to chuck it all it in and freelance, consult or run your own business, you will find Saturn materialises in the form of incredibly-hard-to-please clients, we-can’t-possibly-do-that suppliers and recalcitrant employees.

The sixth house also rules health and with Saturn, it is usually a long-term and/or chronic issue that you may have managed to ignore. Now is the time to see your doctor, dentist, optometrist, homeopath etc for a check-up, ensure you have adequate health insurance, cut the ciggies and choccies, and commit to an exercise and diet plan. As Saturn rules structure, it could be a good time to check bone density levels and also your teeth (which you’re likely to be grinding for a while).

On 2 March until 20 July 2014, Saturn will be retrograde which suggests your job could be painfully restrictive, requiring longer hours but obtaining less co-operation from your colleagues. Changing jobs will not fix this situation as you have to use the time to reflect on how to do it better. If you get diagnosed with anything the treatment may seem to go on forever. And if it includes going on a diet, that could seem particularly grim to a sweet-tooth Gemini, too.

Love and Relationships for Gemini

Geminis bring their natural garrulousness and brilliance into their love life and social life as well. A good talk or a verbal joust is an interesting prelude to romance. Their only problem in love is that their intellect is too cool and passionless to incite ardour in others. Emotions sometimes disturb them, and their partners tend to complain about this. If you are in love with a Gemini you must understand why this is so. Geminis avoid deep passions because these would interfere with their ability to think and communicate. If they are cool towards you, understand that this is their nature.

Nevertheless, Geminis must understand that it is one thing to talk about love and another actually to love – to feel it and radiate it. Talking about love glibly will get them nowhere. They need to feel it and act on it. Love is not of the intellect but of the heart. If you want to know how a Gemini feels about love you should not listen to what he or she says, but rather, observe what he or she does. Geminis can be quite generous to those they love.

Geminis like their partners to be refined, well educated and well travelled. If their partners are more wealthy than they, that is all the better. If you are in love with a Gemini you had better be a good listener as well.

The ideal relationship for the Gemini is a relationship of the mind. They enjoy the physical and emotional aspects, of course, but if the intellectual communion is not there they will suffer.

Gemini Love Horoscope 2014

In love, if single, you will have lots of opportunities this year to meet new romantic interests. In the second half of the year Jupiter will be in Leo and travel to nearby resorts and cities seems to increase your chances to find love. Travel will be a big theme in 2014 for you, and chances to pack and go will come up spontaneously for all sorts of reasons, including for pure pleasure, especially in July, and August. One of those trips could bring a new introduction and the start of a new relationship. 

The universe has also dispatched Mars, the planet of action and energy, to Libra, to tour your house of true love for months. Usually, Mars spends seven weeks in a sign, for that is often more than enough time to jumpstart activity in whatever house Mars happens to be visiting. This time, however, Mars won't spend seven weeks, but eight months in this area of your chart, giving lots of energy to your romantic house. This trend started in mid-December 2013 and will continue until July 26, 2014.

If You Wish for a Baby, The Stork May Pay You a Visit Soon in 2014
This would be a wonderful year to plan to have a baby. The fifth house of the horoscope, so beautifully and gracefully lit by Mars during the first half of the year (prior to July 26), rules romance, pregnancy, and birth, and if you do want a baby, never have you had a better chance of seeing that wish come true. If you already have children, you will be a proud parent, for you will see your child (or children) do very well in the first part of the year. You may discover a new talent in your child and may think about how you can further the development of that talent.

Financial Horoscope for Gemini

Geminis tend to be more concerned with the wealth of learning and ideas than with actual material wealth. As mentioned, they excel in professions that involve writing, teaching, sales and journalism – and not all of these professions pay very well. But to sacrifice intellectual needs merely for money is unthinkable to a Gemini. Geminis strive to combine the two. Cancer is on Gemini’s solar 2nd house (of money) cusp, which indicates that Geminis can earn extra income (in a harmonious and natural way) from investments in residential property, restaurants and hotels. Given their verbal skills, Geminis love to bargain and negotiate in any situation, and especially when it has to do with money.

The Moon rules Gemini’s 2nd solar house. The Moon is not only the fastest-moving planet in the zodiac but actually moves through every sign and house every 28 days. No other heavenly body matches the Moon for swiftness or the ability to change quickly. An analysis of the Moon – and lunar phenomena in general – describes Gemini’s financial attitudes very well. Geminis are financially versatile and flexible; they can earn money in many different ways. Their financial attitudes and needs seem to change daily. Their feelings about money change also: sometimes they are very enthusiastic about it, at other times they could not care less.

For a Gemini, financial goals and money are often seen only as means of supporting a family; these things have little meaning otherwise.

The Moon, as Gemini’s money planet, has another important message for Gemini financially: in order for Geminis to realize their financial potential they need to develop more of an understanding of the emotional side of life. They need to combine their awesome powers of logic with an understanding of human psychology. Feelings have their own logic; Geminis need to learn this and apply it to financial matters.

Horoscope Gemini - Money Trends 2014

Jupiter in your income zone suggests good fortune will come your way in the form of extra money during the first half of the year. This will help boost your confidence and certainly by the autumn you will be feeling more outgoing and more willing to get involved in community activities.

Your current cycle of financial reward actually started in June 2013, so this is a continuation of that trend that began last year, and it will extend until July 27, 2014. You could be saying, "Well, I worked hard all along, including last year when Jupiter first arrived in my salary house last June, but my finances are still not all that good, so what's the story?" There's a good reason for that. It is true Jupiter moved into Cancer last year and entered your sweet spot for commanding a generous salary. However, Jupiter was barely able to unpack his bags and get his bearings after arriving in this new part of your chart when, at November 7,  2013, he went retrograde.
A retrograde planet is weak. This meant Jupiter was tired and ineffective during second half of 2013, so money only trickled in. If you found it hard to get paid what you felt you were worth last year, now you know why. It was not you, dear Gemini. You had little choice but to be patient until Jupiter awakened.
The bad news is that you will start the New Year with Jupiter retrograde, until March 6, 2014. Jupiter will turne on full power when will go direct (no longer retrograde). Get set to be paid well for the work you do. Your stock in the marketplace is rising, dear Gemini, and you will see evidence of this soon. You will have until July 27 (the date Jupiter will leave Cancer) to raise your income substantially, but you must be determined to be part of the process. Show the universe your resolve to get paid well, and then schedule interviews to make that goal a reality. If you need to take classes to brush up on changes in your industry or to hone your skills, do so while you have the weight of the universe behind you.

Looking at your year, you have a favorable situation. Money will be plentiful in early 2014, but could become tight in the last quarter and beyond. This is because from January through 27 July, you will have Jupiter to help you earn considerable sums of money. After that, however, Jupiter will move on to a different part of your chart, and your outlook will become more normal—not special, but not adverse either. However, you will lose that little extra element of financial luck that you had earlier until mid-Jule with Jupiter, and this might surprise you when it happens. It will be all too easy to assume you will never lose your financial luck, but alas, all spectacular aspects fade over time. Appreciate Jupiter while he is with you in your money house.

Pluto will be playing a starring role this year, so that shifts the spotlight away from your second house of regular, paid salary to your eighth house of "other people's money," which includes all money that comes to you through commissions, bonuses, licensing fees, or royalties. However, this house includes more, so let's list them, as this area will shine for you at various points of 2014.
You may gain from divorce or court settlements, insurance payouts, child support, alimony, scholarships and financial aid, inheritance, venture capital and business investment capital, bank loans, mortgage and refinancing of a mortgage, or other sources. While prize winnings are included in this house, I would be very wary about betting anything, as the placement of Saturn will depress earnings. Make your money other ways, as it seems more stable.

Career, Work and Public Image for Gemini

Geminis know that they have been given the gift of communication for a reason, that it is a power that can achieve great good or cause unthinkable distress. They long to put this power at the service of the highest and most transcendental truths. This is their primary goal, to communicate the eternal verities and prove them logically. They look up to people who can transcend the intellect – to poets, artists, musicians and mystics. They may be awed by stories of religious saints and martyrs. A Gemini’s highest achievement is to teach the truth, whether it is scientific, inspirational or historical. Those who can transcend the intellect are Gemini’s natural superiors – and a Gemini realizes this.

The sign of Pisces is in Gemini’s solar 10th house of career. Neptune, the planet of spirituality and altruism, is Gemini’s career planet. If Geminis are to realize their highest career potential they need to develop their transcendental – their spiritual and altruistic – side. They need to understand the larger cosmic picture, the vast flow of human evolution – where it came from and where it is heading. Only then can a Gemini’s intellectual powers take their true position and he or she can become the ‘messenger of the gods’. Geminis need to cultivate a facility for ‘inspiration’, which is something that does not originate in the intellect but which comes through the intellect. This will further enrich and empower a Gemini’s mind.

Gemini Career Horoscope 2014 - Work Trends 2014

The "Neptune in Pisces Effect" Brilliantly Shows Your Extraordinary Vision and Creativity 
Your career is about to gather some lovely energy from Neptune, the planet of inspiration, imagination, and the arts. Neptune has entered Pisces and your tenth house of honors, achievement, and fame on February 3, 2012 and remain with you in this house until January 2026—fourteen years! This is a major trend, and it's very exciting, for Neptune will encourage you to be extremely creative in the coming years!
There are many ways Neptune's influence may affect your professional life. Here are a few examples, but realize there will be many more possibilities. You may now be on TV, with your face known far and wide, to literally thousands, even millions, of people. No matter what you do, it appears you will move into a very creative role in your career and begin to be known best for the visionary products and concepts you create. If you are an author, you may write very visually descriptive novels or a screenplay. If you are an actor, you may find that your face is on the cover of many magazines when you are chosen to lead in an important movie.
Neptune rules the right side of the brain, the part that is intuitive and visual, and this side of you will predominate in years to come. Neptune fosters highly idealistic feelings, so you would need to remain practical, objective, and clear-eyed in all your decisions. Fortunately, as a Gemini, you are not prone to excessive flights of fancy, so this influence is likely to be quite safe in your hands.

Neptune, the ruler of your tenth house of fame and honors, will retrograde from June 9 to November 16, 2014, a time that you won't progress in your career as quickly. This means Neptune will be in fine shape in February and March when you need him to be the strongest. 
Saturn in Scorpio is in your sixth house of work projects where will stay until December 23, 2014. This suggests that you may have a problem hiring help in the future, possibly because you can't find qualified workers, have too little salary to offer workers, or because your budget has been slashed and you not only may not be able to bring on new personnel, but will have to do with fewer personnel in your office. (I don't feel it is likely you'd be cut from the department, but rather, I see you doing more work. Alas, in these times, these things do happen.) 
You are likely to work hard when Saturn is in this house, and there will be many details to oversee. Yet, Saturn is often comfortable in this area of the chart, for it rules teamwork and your service to other people who depend on your part in the process. You'll feel very productive and very in tune with your work, and you will want to polish it until it gleams. You certainly will get a feeling of gratification from the work you do while Saturn is in this house.
Astrological text will tell you that you may get overly involved in your work, but honestly, I can think of nothing better. If you love your work and are passionate about it, I don't believe giving your work tender loving attention is a bad thing! It's fun! Certainly with Saturn in this house, you will have very high concentration. Keep your health up to par, because you might work long hours and may not eat right. 
Here is some lovely news! Saturn and Pluto will be in a rare configuration that has never before been experienced by anyone alive today. Saturn will be in the sign that Pluto rules (Scorpio), and Pluto will be in the sign that Saturn rules (Capricorn). This means these two have a mutual reception going on, like a little buddy-buddy club of two. Each will help the other in a deep and friendly way, which will benefit your finances, because Pluto will be in a financial house and Saturn will be in your house of assignment and work. It looks like finally, you will start to be paid what you deserve in the coming year! By the way, I looked back, and the last time Saturn and Pluto were in mutual reception, it was December 1776 through January 1778 (with the exception of a two-week period in April 1777). This time we will have this lovely benefit longer, from October 2012 until mid-September 2015.

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