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Yearly horoscope forecastCapricorn (December 22 to January 20)

Horoscope 2014 Capricorn: OPPORTUNITIES FOR CAPRICORN IN 2014

Most Capricorn are pretty cynical about love – until they fall in it. Then, to paraphrase Meatloaf, they’d do anything for love and yes, they would do that! Jupiter stays for six more months in your solar seventh house of relationships where he is helping you to get over the “what’s mine is mine and what’s yours is mine” attitude to sharing. Never planned to marry? You may well change your mind! Been going through a rough patch with your spouse? Welcome home, honey. You will discover reserves of optimism, joy, forgiveness and big-heartedness that to be honest, Capricorn is  famous for and this is what will lead you to take the plunge. The most exciting day is 18 April, when you have Jupiter being blessed by Venus. This is an INCREDIBLE day to propose, commit, marry or ask someone out and for Sagittarius who have been married for ages, why not consider having a second honeymoon! Two other lovely dates worth circling now for relationship happiness are 6 May and 8 June, when you’ll be beautifully in tune.

Midway through the year on 16 July, Jupiter swings into your solar eighth house of shared resources – the house Scorpio rules! Since he’s generous and provides plenty of opportunities you can look forward to a juicy sex life and access to other people’s money! You may be listed as a beneficiary in a will, receive a huge refund from the tax department or a generous dividend, invited to pool your finances with others to invest in something or asked for a loan which they’ll repay with interest. You’ve always been fantastic at ferreting out the most useful people to know and they will befriend you in droves now. Your detector is always turned up to 11 and you can now detect the undercurrents in body language, Freudian comments and subtle looks (that others fail to notice) that will help you get what (or who!) you want. Getting money, sex and power is soooooo much easier for you on the super-bountiful 24 July while unusual colleagues and suppliers could help you with a surprise win on 18 August or 25 September. Don’t sign any financial documents between 8 December until 31 December 2014 while Jupiter is retrograde as there are factors which even you can’t see at that time. Sexual partners may um, come and go, but mostly go, then, too. But it’s full steam ahead from February 2015!

Horoscope 2014 Capricorn: CHALLENGES FOR CAPRICORN IN 2014

You may feel like the number of true friends you can count has dropped to those on one hand. This is thanks to Saturn, your ruler, which entered your solar eleventh house of friends and group activities on 6 October 2012, where he will socialise until 24 December 2014. This creates a period of clearing out the social deadwood from your life. Saturn in Scorpio will eliminate a number of pals from your life now and reduce your circle to a particularly tight-knit bunch. Only the stayers, the most loyal and the longest-term friends will remain.

Saturn has a particularly strong restrictive and reductive quality: he lets you have nothing in your life which is not good and/or useful for you, whether this is a job, lover or friends! For Capricorns, your Christmas card list has been slowly dwindling as you discover who are your fair-weather friends, some of whom you’d be better referring to as acquaintances, fellow clubbers or strangers on Facebook or even frenemies! Others have left your vicinity or sense of common purpose ie they’ve left the company, they’ve moved interstate or overseas, found a partner or become parents.

At the same time, your friends have been “dropping like flies” you may also have felt shy, hesitant or awkward about seeking out new ones by joining associations, clubs and networks, taking Groucho Marx’s view that you wouldn’t want to be belong to a club that would have you as a member. In other cases you may have felt it’s too hard work making new friends “at your age”. Well Saturn makes whatever department of life “hard work” as he wants you to earn it. And if you have been adding to your social circle, you may have befriended much older, established, conservative and pragmatically minded mates.

On 13 November, organise a small get-together with your closest circle of pals. The connection you make today will be lifelong. And if you’re single and they bring a sexy friend along, the attraction could be visceral

Saturn goes retrograde from 2 March to 20 July 2014 during which time you hear from old friends or find others drop out of your life. It may be surprisingly hard to organise social events without endless organisation.

Love and Relationships

Like Scorpio and Pisces,Capricorn is a difficult sign to get to know. They are deep, introverted and like to keep their own counsel. Capricorns do not like to reveal their innermost thoughts. If you are in love with a Capricorn, be patient and take your time. Little by little you will get to understand him or her.

Capricorns have a deep romantic nature, but they do not show it straightaway. They are cool, matter of fact and not especially emotional. They will often show their love in practical ways.

It takes time for a Capricorn – male or female – to fall in love. They are not the love-at-first-sight kind. If a Capricorn is involved with a Leo or Aries, these Fire types will be totally mystified – to them the Capricorn will seem cold, unfeeling, unaffectionate and not very spontaneous. Of course none of this is true; it is just that Capricorn likes to take things slowly. They like to be sure of their ground before making any demonstrations of love or commitment.

Even in love affairs Capricorns are deliberate. They need more time to make decisions than is true of the other signs of the zodiac, but given this time they become just as passionate. Capricorns like a relationship to be structured, committed, well regulated, well defined, predictable and even routine. They prefer partners who are nurturers, and they in turn like to nurture their partners. This is their basic psychology. Whether such a relationship is good for them is another issue altogether. Capricorns have enough routine in their lives as it is. They might be better off in relationships that are a bit more stimulating, changeable and fluctuating.

Capricorn Love and Relationship trends 2014

Saturn in your friendship zone suggests that there is something serious about your group involvements in 2014. You might be asked to join a committee and this will involve regular meetings and helping others make some difficult decisions.

Pluto in your sign could bring a degree of partnerships in your closest relationships as established emotional ties will either break up or receive a shake up.

Financial Horoscope

Capricorns generally attain wealth and they usually earn it. They are willing to work long and hard for what they want. They are quite amenable to foregoing a short-term gain in favour of long-term benefits. Financially, they come into their own later in life.

However, if Capricorns are to attain their financial goals they must shed some of their strong conservatism. Perhaps this is the least desirable trait of the Capricorn. They can resist anything new merely because it is new and untried. They are afraid of experimentation. Capricorns need to be willing to take a few risks. They should be more eager to market new products or explore different managerial techniques. Otherwise, progress will leave them behind. If necessary, Capricorns must be ready to change with the times, to discard old methods that no longer work.

Very often this experimentation will mean that Capricorns have to break with existing authority. They might even consider changing their present position or starting their own ventures. If so, they should be willing to accept all the risks and just get on with it. Only then will a Capricorn be on the road to highest financial gains.

Career and Public Image

Capricorn’s ambition and quest for power are evident. It is perhaps the most ambitious sign of the zodiac – and usually the most successful in a worldly sense. However, there are lessons Capricorns need to learn in order to fulfil their highest aspirations.

Intelligence, hard work, cool efficiency and organization will take them a certain distance, but will not carry them to the very top. Capricorns need to cultivate their social graces, to develop a social style, along with charm and an ability to get along with people. They need to bring beauty into their lives and to cultivate the right social contacts. They must learn to wield power gracefully, so that people love them for it – a very delicate art. They also need to learn how to bring people together in order to fulfil certain objectives. In short, Capricorns require some of the gifts – the social graces – of Libra to get to the top.

Once they have learned this, Capricorns will be successful in their careers. They are ambitious hard workers who are not afraid of putting in the required time and effort. Capricorns take their time in getting the job done – in order to do it well – and they like moving up the corporate ladder slowly but surely. Being so driven by success, Capricorns are generally liked by their bosses, who respect and trust them.

Capricorn Work Trends 2014

Saturn in your 11th house suggests people you know and mix with socially may also be linked with your career. Some of these people will take a negative attitude to your goals or towards your current success. Don’t allow yourself to be influenced by this.

You have the vitality and energy as well as the enthusiasm to follow your most cherished ambitions in 2014. Just be careful about who you discuss your future career plans with as if the wrong people get to hear what you are thinking about this could give rivals an opportunity to get in first on a project you have set your sights on.

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