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Leo (July 23 to August 22)

Leo Horoscope 2014 - Yearly horoscope forecast:


Since 26 June 2013, many Leos have gone under the radar, out of sight. Thanks to Jupiter in your solar twelfth house of secrets, you may have been busily working on projects that have limited your social availability, been literally “out of sight” having moved to a new location where unlike Cheers, no-one “knows your name”, or even feeling too exhausted to keep up your normally jam-packed calendar socialising. And you know what? You’ve actually been fine with it. Until 16 July 2014 you get to concentrate on understanding yourself and your issues. The first six months of 2014 is a fabulous time to see a counsellor about problems that may have been plaguing you in the past, with any emotional or psychological issues: they’re funny, kind but also blunt and will help you see the truth so much more easily. Or is there someone who needs your help? Pay it forward and help a loved one who’s not coping.  Listen to your intuition on the amazing 6 May when you could have a life-changing realisation, there’s something very fated about that day. Your family may help to say goodbye to ghosts of the past, or speaking of um, ghosts, you may discover you’ve been left quite a sum of money or property in a will. There’s more fascinating, top-secret news or wonderful insights coming your way on 8 June, too.

Then it’s time to showcase yourself as Jupiter moves into your solar first house of personality on 12 June. Look forward to a year when the spotlight is on you! This is the time to put your best foot forward. It’s worth investing in the help of a stylist to help you select clothes which make you look like a million bucks, for having your hair done in a youthful new style, for embarking on beauty treatments which will make your skin glow. Your confidence will grow and opportunities can fall in your lap, including the completely gorgeous 24 July, when you can charm anyone to do anything – including fall in love with you! Your more offbeat, unconventional friends will be a lot of fun to hang out on 18 August, a great day to create something which truly benefits others. Friends you make now will boost your self-esteem and will be inspiring too. When Jupiter goes retrograde from 8 December through to 31 December 2014, the pace of life slows down. You may rethink your appearance or get some insights about how to get your message across. It is a good time to focus on others, too.


From 6 October 2012, your domestic responsibilities has been encreased, when Saturn enters your solar fourth house of home and family until 24 December 2014. Responsibilities to do with an elderly parent (or find that they interfere incessantly in your life), a property or a binding domestic situation will free up this year. Since Saturn arrived in your home house your domestic life may have seemed like a noose around your neck! You may have been looking after an elderly relative, unable to renovate, buy or move, unhappy with your family members or flatmates, been crushed by domestic obligations that tied you to the home in some way or had your father, mother or grandparents interfering in your private life. But the good news is that Saturn tends to make you learn such hard lessons about commitment, responsibility, endurance and perseverance that by the time he departs you’re amazed how much easier and lighter your life seems. The truth is that you have built up psychological “muscle” in this area. 

You may buy your first (or next) home, pay more rent, council, strata levy fees and/or land tax, undertake structural repairs or renovations, get in a boarder or flatmate to help with the rent or mortgage, or make one of your spare bedrooms into a granny flat, nursery or home office. Saturn makes a beautiful trine to Jupiter in your solar twelfth house of secrets. On 24 May you may be delighted to hear you’ve been left money or a house in a will while other Leos will join forces with other family members to buy an investment property. You may use Boxing Day (26 December) to transform your spare room into an office  – or conduct an exhausting working bee to sort and sell unwanted gifts and possessions.

Saturn goes retrograde from 2 March-20 July. During this time, a property sale might be delayed and/or fall through, home repairs and redecorating could be put on ice, you may feel like moving, feeling trapped at your current house or have renovation plans postponed by lack of council approval or by tradies who don’t complete the job on time, on budget or at all. Flatmates may not work out and those of you with (step)children may feel burdened by the weight of responsibility. All these areas however, will move ahead at the end of year.

Love and Relationships for Leo

Generally, Leos are not the marrying kind. To them relationships are good while they are pleasurable. When the relationship ceases to be pleasurable a true Leo will want out. They always want to have the freedom to leave. That is why Leos excel at love affairs rather than commitment. Once married, however, Leo is faithful – even if some Leos have a tendency to marry more than once in their lifetime. If you are in love with a Leo, just show him or her a good time – travel, go to casinos and clubs, the theatre and discos. Wine and dine your Leo love – it is expensive but worth it and you will have fun.

Leos generally have an active love life and are demonstrative in their affections. They love to be with other optimistic and fun-loving types like themselves, but wind up settling with someone more serious, intellectual and unconventional. The partner of a Leo tends to be more political and socially conscious than he or she is, and more libertarian. When you marry a Leo, mastering the freedom-loving tendencies of your partner will definitely become a life-long challenge – and be careful that Leo does not master you.

Aquarius sits on Leo’s 7th house (of love) cusp. Thus if Leos want to realize their highest love and social potential they need to develop a more egalitarian, Aquarian perspective on others. This is not easy for Leo, for ‘the king’ finds his equals only among other ‘kings’. But perhaps this is the solution to Leo’s social challenge – to be ‘a king among kings’. It is all right to be regal, but recognize the nobility in others.

Leo Love Horoscope 2014

With Jupiter in Leo Love Improves Enormously - Attached Leo Will Have Relationship News and See Progress
One of the sweetest of all benefits from having Jupiter in Leo (from July 27, 2014 to August 11, 2015) is that your chances to find your true beloved have never been better. Astrologers consider having Jupiter in your own sign to be the best to engender true love. If you assumed it would take a miracle to find the right person to love, well, keep in mind that Jupiter rules miracles, too.

Have an open mind and circulate in the second half of the year when you will have an open road to experience breathtaking romance. What you are starting in 2014 is nothing less than a brand new twelve-year cycle, one that will carry you forward into the next decade and beyond. 

Aside from this, we also need to look at the movements of Venus and Mars, those cosmic lovers that add sugar and spice to our lives.
Venus will grace Leo from August 12 to September 5, a great time to freshen up your look for the coming season so that you will be confident when you step out. When it comes to love, Venus is the so-called "lazy" planet. Gentle Venus teaches the value of using charm and magnetism, not force or an assertive attitude, to draw the object of your affections to you. You certainly will have the power to bring anyone you choose under your spell at this time, so try out your magical powers at that time, dear Leo. You'll be unstoppable.
This would be a great time to improve your appearance —change your hairstyle or change the color (men might want to banish grey or get rid of a beard.) With Venus in your sign, changes you make to your appearance will be ones you love and will garner you lots of compliments and attention.

Saturn in Scorpio Affect Home, Family, and Property-Related Matters 
You may notice that in 2014, you would like to have a home of your own. Or, if you already have one, now that you are coming up in the world and have a bit more money, you would like to spend some on your home to make it more comfortable and reflective of your taste.
Saturn's move into Scorpio, in octomber 2012, a place it has not occupied since 1982-1985, have the effect of making you yearn for more home stability, for Saturn makes us all take the long-term view. You may now decide you don't want to rent forever, and you may start to save for a house. Saturn usually requires sacrifice, so you may give up pleasures like eating out and going to shows and clubs to fatten up your bank account to save for a down payment. The reason Saturn requires sacrifice is that Saturn asks us to choose between values—in choosing between long- and short-term gratifications we reveal our true aspiration. Saturn knows that we value most what we work hardest to achieve.
While Saturn will tour your fourth house of home from October 2012 to September 2015, you may encounter frustrating conditions related to home. For example, if you hoped to sell a house, you may find that the only bids you receive are too low to consider. If you are looking for an apartment to buy or rent, it may seem that all the apartments the broker is showing you in the neighborhood you want to live are small and dark spaces, barely worth the money. Saturn is known to bring these types of situations to bear, so you need to expect that. You might want to allow more time to sell or buy, because you may have to wait a long time to find the right situation.
If you do buy, be sure you can afford the mortgage. Saturn sometimes brings a feeling of temporary burden or hardship while paying for all the costs associated with buying a home. You will do well in your career this year, but be smart about the house or condo you choose by buying one you can comfortably afford.
Sometimes the "burden" happens accidentally.  Another tendency of Saturn is to isolate. Saturn makes us feel like we are alone on a desert island so that we can stand on our own, feel the power of our determination, and find answers.
Saturn brings stability, and also burdens, but usually for only the length of time that Saturn stays in the area of the chart it visits, and the kicker is, whatever Saturn demands is often worth the price, as the long-term benefit is the prize. 
The area of home in that chart also rules all the people associated with the home—a roommate, landlord, broker, decorator, architect, but especially parents. It is alternatively possible that you will be taking on the care of an elderly parent, or someone you think of as a parent, during the time Saturn spends in Scorpio, October 2012 to September 2015. You may give freely of your time and attention to help your beloved mother or father, and if so, it is your time to do so. Even if you have sisters and brothers who could help out, for some reason, the task of helping will fall to you. Be cheerful about it—you will learn a great deal, and your parent will be so grateful.
I suppose I should add that you might encounter a hard time getting along with one family member while Saturn, starting in October 2012, has moved through this house. This is painful for me even to suggest. Family can be such a joyous part of life, for when a family is working properly, all members come together to help the one family member in need, to provide love, emotional support, care, and even money when necessary. (The person with whom you have difficulties might be a roommate who keeps eating your lamb chops and drinking your favorite red wine, or a psycho landlord, so let's keep this in perspective! In these types of cases, you can be careful about whom you invite to be your roommate, or check with other tenants the background on your perspective landlord!)
Keep in mind that Saturn is the great teacher and always has something to show you, to enlighten you. In time you may come to understand your parents from another point of view, for Saturn may bring a completely new perspective. If this happen to you, while it won't necessarily come easily—Saturn makes us work for our enlightenment—when it does come, it will change you for the better, forever.

Financial Horoscope for Leo

Leos are great leaders but not necessarily good managers. They are better at handling the overall picture than the nitty-gritty details of business. If they have good managers working for them they can become exceptional executives. They have vision and a lot of creativity.

Leos love wealth for the pleasures it can bring. They love an opulent lifestyle, pomp and glamour. Even when they are not wealthy they live as if they are. This is why many fall into debt, from which it is sometimes difficult to emerge.

Leos, like Pisceans, are generous to a fault. Very often they want to acquire wealth solely so that they can help others economically. Wealth to Leo buys services and managerial ability. It creates jobs for others and improves the general well-being of those around them. Therefore – to a Leo – wealth is good. Wealth is to be enjoyed to the fullest. Money is not to be left to gather dust in a mouldy bank vault but to be enjoyed, spread around, used. So Leos can be quite reckless in their spending.

With the sign of Virgo on Leo’s 2nd house (of money) cusp, Leo needs to develop some of Virgo’s traits of analysis, discrimination and purity when it comes to money matters. They must learn to be more careful with the details of finance (or to hire people to do this for them). They have to be more cost-conscious in their spending habits. Generally, they need to manage their money better. Leos tend to chafe under financial constraints, yet these constraints can help Leos to reach their highest financial potential.

Leos like it when their friends and family know that they can depend on them for financial support. They do not mind – and even enjoy – lending money, but they are careful that they are not taken advantage of. From their ‘regal throne’ Leos like to bestow gifts upon their family and friends and then enjoy the good feelings these gifts bring to everybody. Leos love financial speculations and – when the celestial influences are right – are often lucky.

Leo Money Horoscope 2014

This year one of the big features has to do with Neptune into Pisces, the sign it rules, and your eighth house of other people's money (also called the house of joint resources) where he will stay  until January 2026. You've never experienced Neptune in Pisces, for the last time this planet visited this sign was between 1847 and 1862, which was, if you recall history, a time of the blossoming of some rare and beautiful artistic expression in music, poetry, painting, and other cultural arts.
Neptune is known to bring inspiration. It is a planet always linked to creativity, so in the coming years, you may start to make a tidy sum from your artistic creations, or from working in the creative realm, even as support staff (say, from accounting or human resources, or as an agent or manager). The fact that Neptune will be in Pisces means that Neptune will be in its home base, the sign it rules, and will express its most loving, sterling, and outstanding qualities in this sign. Deriving your income from the arts or from products of your imagination would be an ideal way to use Neptune in Pisces. As long as you stay practical, earthy, and real in all your expectations (and negotiations), you can make a killing from your artistic talents.
Your eighth house, where Neptune is, rules credit cards, loans, lines of credit, venture capital, taxes, inheritance, divorce settlements and child support, commissions, bonuses, and so forth. These are the areas that may become uncertain. An inheritance may be unclear and take time to sort out, or an insurance claim may bring problems and lots of extra paperwork to settle. Or it may simply be that the insurance company is dragging its heels to avoid the proper payout, in which case you might hire an ombudsman or your lawyer to help.
There is another, less positive manifestation that might occur from Neptune in the eighth house, however, and that is that Neptune can bring his characteristic fog to financial matters, obscuring important details. To counteract this, from the very start insist on looking at all financial statements and have the right to audit all statements if you suspect something is wrong, or if you have questions. It may sound unromantic to do a credit check on a proposed romantic partner before marriage, but considering Neptune's position, I suggest you do it. The same would be true if you are taking on a business partner or are working with another firm to share profits. Do your due diligence. You may want to hire a reputable financial advisor or accountant during this phase, but if you are good at financial management, this may not be necessary.
These are the areas of possible problems in years ahead, but if you secure the hatches, you should be fine. As said, the arts will be a possible area of considerable profit, so perhaps you can make use of that side of Neptune in Pisces. 

Career, Work and Public Image for Leo

Leos like to be perceived as wealthy, for in today’s world wealth often equals power. When they attain wealth they love having a large house with lots of land and animals.

At their jobs Leos excel in positions of authority and power. They are good at making decisions – on a grand level – but they prefer to leave the details to others. Leos are well respected by their colleagues and subordinates, mainly because they have a knack for understanding and relating to those around them. Leos usually strive for the top positions even if they have to start at the bottom and work hard to get there. As might be expected of such a charismatic sign, Leos are always trying to improve their work situation. They do so in order to have a better chance of advancing to the top.

On the other hand, Leos do not like to be bossed around or told what to do. Perhaps this is why they aspire so for the top – where they can be the decision-makers and need not take orders from others.

Leos never doubt their success and focus all their attention and efforts on achieving it. Another great Leo characteristic is that – just like good monarchs – they do not attempt to abuse the power or success they achieve. If they do so this is not wilful or intentional. Usually they like to share their wealth and try to make everyone around them join in their success.

Leos are – and like to be perceived as – hard-working, well-established individuals. It is definitely true that they are capable of hard work and often manage great things. But do not forget that, deep down inside, Leos really are fun-lovers.

Leo Career Horoscope 2014 - Work Trends 2014

International Work Very Possible as the Borders of Your World Expand
Intellectual stimulation, through university study or travel abroad, will be bright and exciting from now on, for the electric planet, Uranus, has fully settled into your ninth house to stay until March 2019. You will be eager for new subjects to tackle and learn about in many areas of your life. This glowing area of your chart rules attitude and opinion too, so during the coming years, as Uranus makes his journey through your expansive ninth house, your horizons will open wide. New opportunities will come up, and rather than view them in their most narrow sense, you will see them in their biggest, most panoramic potential. Later, looking back, you may wonder why you thought in such marginal terms.
You may suddenly decide to go back to college for an advanced degree or take a few college courses you think would be interesting. In months and years ahead, you will find increasing joy in debating and delving into politics, religion, culture, and other topics with friends. You will be more likely to pick up a book and devour the ideas of one or more great thinkers. You may become more spiritual or philosophical now, for the ninth house is the area of the chart that rules religion and many of life's mysteries, including such topics to consider as why were you born and what might be your greatest contribution to the world. This will be a wonderfully invigorating place for this planet of unexpected developments!
Writing and speaking could be part of your future too, and if you've always wanted to create a successful screenplay or a best-selling book, in coming years this dream could come to be. If this thought appeals to you, focus on this dream and pretend you only have a year to make your screenplay or book contract materialize.  .
Travel, both distant and near, will likely form a bigger part of your future than it has, now with Uranus in your ninth house. When you do travel, you will likely go more spontaneously. You might even decide to live abroad for a time or go overseas to work. It's alternatively possible that you will begin to work with publishing or broadcasting companies abroad without ever having to leave your desk, and you'd still find the experience broadening and exciting.

Mars in Libra Will Bring Business Trips, Publicity, Contracts 
Mars will remain in your third house, your travel sector, for an usually long time— until July 26, 2014—indicating that if you occasionally travel for work, you will be on the road more often than you have in years past. If you are in sales or management, your most lucrative clients will be based out of town within a short day's drive. It would be in your interest to have face time with your clients rather than do things over the phone or by email. You will travel mostly by car, bus, or rail and not as likely by air for the majority of your trips.
If you are self-employed, you may decide to launch a very successful advertising or publicity campaign in the first half of the year—consider this option, and again, have everything ready to go by late April or early May. This is also true if you are employed by others and oversee advertising and promotional efforts for your company.
The third house, so lit up for you, also governs contracts, so you may find you are negotiating a lot of deals from March through May, 20. In that case, do not sign while Mercury is retrograde (from February 6 to February 28, from June 7 to July 1, from October 4 to October 25),
The emphasis on your third house could also indicate that your sister or brother will play a prominent role in the coming year. You may be working together in a business or special project, or you may be planning a personal surprise together, such as a reunion or anniversary party for your parents. There are many possibilities. Mars in this area of your chart might bring conflicts with a sibling from time to time too, but, fortunately, Mars in Libra blends beautifully with your Leo Sun, so chances are your relationship will go smoothly.

Venus Retrograde (January 1 to January 31) : Venus Rules Your Tenth House of Career—Expect to Backpedal
This year is a minefield of weak, retrograde planets, so you have to sidestep them. When Venus is retrograde, the company you are talking to may be undergoing a reorganization and temporarily be unsure of what to do. In fact, the company may have a hiring freeze. Or top executives may be out of town and the hiring process may temporarily stall while they are away. You won't be able to initiate any actions until  January 31, however, because Venus will go retrograde from January 1 to January 31.
What Venus does matters to you because Venus rules your solar tenth house of career success. It's as if gentle Venus will give you all she's got after January, when, being completely exhausted, she will collapse in a heap and need 4 weeks to recover! She'll head to her boudoir to sleep and have her "Do Not Disturb" sign on her door. As soon as Venus closes her door, you may hit a career snag, or you may simply find that VIPs are hard to reach or are indecisive. This is not good, because Venus controls your career progress in your solar chart. 
This shows how accurate your aim has to be in January, if you are to nab the top career spot then. The coming year has a lot of booby trap days, and you will have to navigate around these difficult periods carefully. Your brilliant stellar days will be lodged in between very difficult days. As long as you note the special days and avoid the difficult retrograde periods, you will navigate successfully.

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