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Yearly horoscope forecast for Pisces (February 20 to March 20)

Horoscope 2014 Pisces: OPPORTUNITIES FOR PISCES IN 2014

Jupiter has been in your solar fifth house of love and creativity since 26 June 2013 and he’s been basically forcing you to put the laptop, Blackberry and Filofax down to really enjoy life. To make sure little workaholic Pisces really get the message about taking time out, he’s going to stay on until 16 July 2014 to make you relax, enjoy life, Feel the Love and experience the joy of being loved and happy. Single Pisces is destined to meet The One in the first half of this year and many dating Pisces could be surprised – and then delighted – to discover they’re pregnant. Married Pisces will look fondly back on this time as a period which really bonded you together. Your life will seem blessed with love, fun and romance on 18 April when Venus interact happily with Jupiter to transform your life in the most amazing way. This is one of the BEST day of the whole year to revamp your looks and outfits (call in the stylists, hairdressers and beauty technicians) to regain your youthful spirit and in doing so, you may prove romantically irresistible! Look out for gorgeous and fun dating opportunities as well as great day out with the kids on 6 May and 8 June, too.

Then, since Pisces tend to feel guilty if they’ve been goofing off too much or for too long, it’s back to the grindstone. However, with Jupiter in Leo, in your solar sixth house of work and health, even THIS will be fun! You’ll enjoy hanging out with colleagues, meeting suppliers, competing with others and yourself to do the best work ever. You will be keen to gain new skills and to promote your achievements more in your company. You may receive enticing offers from headhunters to recruit you for a better role, undertake freelance commissions, contract jobs or decide to work for yourself. You can also have fun getting fit and healthy, too. Grab a pal or a dog for regular walks, join a gym, try Zumba classes or if you’re really keen, bootcamp. Other Pisces may enjoy hiking on the weekends or bike-riding while those of you in the southern hemisphere may perfect your technique on the black runs during winter. A health spa where you learn what (not) to eat could be fun, too. Some of you might have a competition with a loved one to lose weight by your birthday. You could feel bad about your working routine and/or health on 2 August but use the beautiful 24 July or 18 August to create a happy new start for yourself in either or both areas. An eccentric family member could pass some amazing work opportunities your way on 23 July. While Jupiter is retrograde from 8 December until 31 December 2014 you will need to be patient regarding a new project, role or company growth. The job you seek may not become available until February 2015 and those of you on diets may reach a plateau until then, too. Don’t give up!

Horoscope 2014 Pisces: CHALLENGES FOR PISCES IN 2014

With Saturn in Scorpio, in your solar ninth house of travel since 6 October 2012 (where he will be passing through until 24 December 2014), it’s quite likely that long-distance trips have been marked with obligations, delays, or cutbacks of some kind for the last two years.  If you travel at all under Saturn’s influence here – Saturn IS known after all for obligations, delays, or cutbacks – it will be to undertake a duty of some kind. You may have had to use your holidays to babysit or take care of an elderly relative who lives interstate or overseas, to work long hours far away from your friends and family, missing out on fun events, or been unable to get away. Work trips and conferences may feature such long hours that all you see is your hotel walls or they’re scheduled at such times that you’re forced to miss out on important milestones. Since the ninth house also rules legal matters, higher education and publishing, other Pisces may have been struggling to complete a diploma, degree or doctorate, been unhappy about a long-running legal issue or had a publishing project (offline or online) which has been  plagued with delays.

Saturn goes retrograde from 2 March to 20 July 2014. Try to schedule important travel dates, legal cases or publishing deadlines before or after that period or you can anticipate delays and false stars.

But you can enjoy a respite – even just a few hours from home – on  24 May 2014, when Jupiter interact with Saturn and you get an opportunity for a break, helping you rekindle the flame with your partner. Hotel and frequent flyer staff may grant your wishes for an upgrade now, too. If a holiday is not on the menu, you may make an amazingly impressive pitch in a legal issue or in a published piece.

You’d really enjoy going away with your most influential friends on 13 November 2014, when Venus interact happily with Saturn. Single Pisces could meet someone rather amazing.

Love and Relationships

It is not surprising that someone as ‘otherworldly’ as the Pisces would like a partner who is practical and down to earth. Pisces prefer a partner who is on top of all the details of life, because they dislike details. Pisces seek this quality in both their romantic and professional partners. More than anything else this gives Pisces a feeling of being grounded, of being in touch with reality.

As expected, these kinds of relationships – though necessary – are sure to have many ups and downs. Misunderstandings will take place because the two attitudes are poles apart. If you are in love with a Pisces you will experience these fluctuations and will need a lot of patience to see things stabilize. Pisces are moody, intuitive, affectionate and difficult to get to know. Only time and the right attitude will yield Pisces’ deepest secrets. However, when in love with a Pisces you will find that riding the waves is worth it because they are good, sensitive people who need and like to give love and affection.

When in love, Pisces like to fantasize. For them fantasy is 90 per cent of the fun of a relationship. They tend to idealize their partner, which can be good and bad at the same time. It is bad in that it is difficult for anyone to live up to the high ideals their Pisces lover sets.

Pisces Love and Relationship trends 2014

A general sense of well being will be complemented by an unusually busy social calendar and this should keep you happily occupied at the start of the year and looking forward to changes for the better.

With Neptune in your sign you have an aura of sex appeal about you which will attract admirers and invitations to parties and other social events throughout the year. If you are single, you could find the perfect partner for you while attending a rather strange occasion such as a ghost-hunt, fancy dress party or stage medium.

Partnerships, alliances and close relationships of all kinds are highlighted in the summer and this should be a generally happy period with a pronounced romantic chord for both the single and committed Piscean.


Money is generally not that important to Pisces. Of course they need it as much as anyone else, and many of them attain great wealth. But money is not generally a primary objective. Doing good, feeling good about oneself, peace of mind, the relief of pain and suffering – these are the things that matter most to a Pisces.

Pisces earn money intuitively and instinctively. They follow their hunches rather than their logic. They tend to be generous and perhaps overly charitable. Almost any kind of misfortune is enough to move a Pisces to give. Although this is one of their greatest virtues, Pisces should be more careful with their finances. They should try to be more choosy about the people to whom they lend money, so that they are not being taken advantage of. If they give money to charities they should follow it up to see that their contributions are put to good use. Even when Pisces are not rich, they still like to spend money on helping others. In this case they should really be careful, however: they must learn to say no sometimes and help themselves first.

Perhaps the biggest financial stumbling block for the Pisces is general passivity – a laissez faire attitude. In general Pisces like to go with the flow of events. When it comes to financial matters, especially, they need to be more aggressive. They need to make things happen, to create their own wealth. A passive attitude will only cause loss and missed opportunity. Worrying about financial security will not provide that security. Pisces need to go after what they want tenaciously.

Pisces Money Trends 2014

With Saturn in your 9th house your work could take you out and about. In fact you could be travelling a lot in connection with your profession. With Uranus in your income zone, you could see some up and down trends concerning money throughout the year. Sometimes it will feel as if it gushes in and won’t ever stop but then when it does stop you may wonder where your next penny is going to come from!

If you plan sensibly for the hard times you should find your income will just meet your outgoings during 2014.

Career and Public Image

Pisces like to be perceived by the public as people of spiritual or material wealth, of generosity and philanthropy. They look up to big-hearted, philanthropic types. They admire people engaged in large-scale undertakings and eventually would like to head up these big enterprises themselves. In short, they like to be connected with big organizations that are doing things in a big way.

If Pisces are to realize their full career and professional potential they need to travel more, educate themselves more and learn more about the actual world. In other words, they need some of the unflagging optimism of the Sagittarius in order to reach the top.

Because of all their caring and generous characteristics, Pisces often choose professions through which they can help and touch the lives of other people. That is why many Pisces become doctors, nurses, social workers or teachers. Sometimes it takes a while before Pisces realize what they really want to do in their professional lives, but once they find a career that lets them manifest their interests and virtues they will excel at it.

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