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Yearly horoscope forecast Libra (September 24 to October 23)

Horoscope Libra 2014: OPPORTUNITIES FOR LIBRA IN 2014

All eyes have been on you (normally a position you love being in) since 26 June 2013, when Jupiter entered your solar tenth house of career. In the first six months of the year 2014 it’s clear that the pressure is on for you to perform and achieve. Perhaps your boss has taken a break and left you in charge, you’re working very hard in a new job trying to prove your worth, you’re slaving hard to earn that promotion or you’re pulling out all the big guns to make your own business a financial success. In any case, you will step up to the plate successfully and get all the recognition and rewards you deserve and then some(!) on 18 April which is one of the most amazing day of 2014. Expect a massive boost, as well as a satisfying change in your daily routine then – perhaps you hire assistants to help you achieve more. Less dramatic in the fame stakes but still satisfying for your public recognition is 18 June and 6 May.

So I won’t be surprised if you want to take it easier and kick back with pals from 16 July when Jupiter wants to hang out in your solar eleventh house of friends and group activities for the next year! It’s time for you to have fun and to share good times. Librans who have been working flat out will enjoy a fantastic night out on 24 July. If you can wangle some time off from work, book a holiday house or chalet at least a few hours away with friends for 18 August as it will be one of your happiest memories ever. I also love 25 Saptember for booking a last-minute escape interstate or overseas with pals. You may hear from long-lost friends while Jupiter goes retrograde between 8 December to 31 December 2014, or you may just dial down the social activity, preferring them to come to see you at your place. However, you’ll feel like accepting every invitation from February 2015 onwards.

Horoscope Libra 2014: CHALLENGES FOR LIBRA IN 2014

In 2014 your financial situation will not improve remarkably. Why? On 6 October 2012, Saturn has entered your solar second house of income where he will stay until 24 December 2014. If you have been in any way naughty about paying off your credit card, living beyond your means or not saving for a rainy day, Saturn may teach you some yucky lessons about the need to save and invest your wealth. You may create a budget, refinance your mortgage, cut up your credit cards, start an investment plan or look at ways to bring in more income for the first time. You’ve been enduring a reduced or drip-fed cashflow for so long now that you may want to continue to recycle, reuse, regift and restore items to get the maximum use out of them. You may even choose to make a little sidelines business on eBay or etsy on the well-starred 1 January 2014, selling items that you either have no need for or, with some loving attention, can turn into an object of beauty or usefulness

But are you going to put up with not being paid, or at least paid on time? No way! Mars will be in your solar first house of personality until 23 July forcing you to speak up, yell, stamp your feet and to assert yourself. Since Saturn is what you’re afraid of, in the second house, it’s having no money! What’s interesting and kind of awkward is that Mars will be retrograde from 1 March to 20 May, making you less willing to speak up, while Saturn will be retrograde from 2 March to 20 July. Unfortunately you will need to plan for less money coming in the door during that four-month period. July will seem like you’ve won Lotto when the money comes pouring back in, but until then, Saturn is making sure that you’ve learned how to budget

Love and Relationships

Librans express their true genius in love. In love you could not find a partner more romantic, more seductive or more fair. If there is one thing that is sure to destroy a relationship – sure to block your love from flowing – it is injustice or imbalance between lover and beloved. If one party is giving too much or taking too much, resentment is sure to surface at some time or other. Librans are careful about this. If anything, Librans might err on the side of giving more, but never giving less.

If you are in love with a Libra, make sure you keep the aura of romance alive. Do all the little things – candle-lit dinners, travel to exotic locales, flowers and small gifts. Give things that are beautiful, not necessarily expensive. Send cards. Ring regularly even if you have nothing in particular to say. The niceties are very important to a Libra. Your relationship is a work of art: make it beautiful and your Libran lover will appreciate it. If you are creative about it, he or she will appreciate it even more; for this is how your Libra will behave towards you.

Librans like their partners to be aggressive and even a bit self-willed. They know that these are qualities they sometimes lack and so they like their partners to have them. In relationships, however, Librans can be very aggressive – but always in a subtle and charming way! Librans are determined in their efforts to charm the object of their desire – and this determination can be very pleasant if you are on the receiving end.

Libra Love and Relationship trends 2014

2014 will start of on a friendly and sociable note with Venus, planet of love in your 3rd house of communications. Expect to enjoy your New Year celebrations and in January there will be plenty opportunity to meet like-minded friends.

If you are single, there should be some great chances for new romances to develop in February and between 12th March and 20th June. During the first quarter of the year, home affairs should also be pleasantly smooth running and you might enjoy entertaining friends and groups in your home.

Between August 17th and 11th September, romantic dreams will start to come true. If you are already half of a duo, exciting developments in your relationship will give you a lot to look forward to in the future. If you are single, you could meet the partner of your dreams.

Financial Horoscope 

In financial matters Librans can seem frivolous and illogical to others. This is because Librans appear to be more concerned with earning money for others than for themselves. But there is a logic to this financial attitude. Librans know that everything and everyone is connected and that it is impossible to help another to prosper without also prospering yourself. Since enhancing their partner’s income and position tends to strengthen their relationship, Librans choose to do so. What could be more fun than building a relationship? You will rarely find a Libra enriching him-or herself at someone else’s expense.

Scorpio is the ruler of Libra’s solar 2nd house of money, giving Libra unusual insight into financial matters – and the power to focus on these matters in a way that disguises a seeming indifference. In fact, many other signs come to Librans for financial advice and guidance.

Given their social grace, Librans often spend great sums of money on entertaining and organizing social events. They also like to help others when they are in need. Librans would go out of their way to help a friend in dire straits, even if they have to borrow from others to do so. However, Librans are also very careful to pay back any debts they owe, and like to make sure they never have to be reminded to do so.

Libra Money Trends 2014

With Saturn in your income zone, financial reward will come through hard work. It is recommended that you take a cautious approach to finances. Organise and budget your money so that you are able to keep on top of this area during 2014.

Career and Public Image

Publicly, Librans like to appear as nurturers. Their friends and acquaintances are their family and they wield political power in parental ways. They also like bosses who are paternal or maternal.

The sign of Cancer is on Libra’s 10th house (of career) cusp; the Moon is Libra’s career planet. The Moon is by far the speediest, most changeable planet in the horoscope. It alone among all the planets travels through the entire zodiac – all 12 signs and houses – every month. This is an important key to the way in which Librans approach their careers, and also to what they need to do to maximize their career potential. The Moon is the planet of moods and feelings – Librans need a career in which their emotions can have free expression. This is why so many Librans are involved in the creative arts. Libra’s ambitions wax and wane with the Moon. They tend to wield power according to their mood.

The Moon ‘rules’ the masses – and that is why Libra’s highest goal is to achieve a mass kind of acclaim and popularity. Librans who achieve fame cultivate the public as other people cultivate a lover or friend. Librans can be very flexible – and often fickle – in their career and ambitions. On the other hand, they can achieve their ends in a great variety of ways. They are not stuck in one attitude or with one way of doing things.

Libra Work Trends 2014

Neptune in your 6th house of work can occasionally make you feel inclined to miss lectures or training days with the attitude you can always catch up another time. This won’t be so. Libra, you do have the opportunity to improve yourself and improve your career prospects. The planets are in a helpful and supportive position but you need to keep the pressure on from your end too. It is down to you to exploit optimistic trends by being willing to put in the effort to bring about the goals you are aiming for.

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