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Yearly horoscope forecast Scorpio (October 24 to November 22)

Horoscope 2014 Scorpio: OPPORTUNITIES FOR SCORPIO IN 2014

Until mid-July at least, you will have the curious planetary combination of a spendthrift who loves to travel – Jupiter – being in his own solar ninth house of travel. So you want to get away and have some fun. I think not only do you need a break, and deserve one, you are destined to have one! I think you’re likely to make the best use of your frequent flyer miles, your hotel guest rewards cards, your [insert company name here] loyalty program that gives you membership discounts not to mention those social group-buying offers as well as your list of contacts to ensure a trip goes ahead! Circle 18 April as the Golden Day to depart or book a holiday with your lover. It is such a fertile day that couples who hadn’t considered children yet could get pregnant. Single Scorpio on holidays could meet The One. You’ll also enormously enjoy holidays taken on 18 June and 6 May.

On 16 July, Jupiter wants to raise your public profile by taking a year-long journey through your solar tenth house of career. This is the best time to get your CV ready, contact recruiters, tell your boss you’d like a promotion thank you, do projects which will propel you into the corporate eye, do high-level presentations, launch your own company or to hire a PR company to ensure your own business gets much needed coverage. Make important presentations on 24 July when your charm will win them over and use all your psychological techniques and black book contacts for a left-field business pitch on 18 August and 25 September. With Jupiter going retrograde between 8 December until 31 December 2014, your business prospects may seem to be in ”Park” as you play phone, email, contract and meeting tag with someone senior but all will move ahead from February 2015.

Horoscope Scorpio 2014: CHALLENGES FOR SCORPIO IN 2014

Whatever your actual age, with Saturn in your solar first house of personality, since 6 Octomber 2012, you may have felt like you’ve skipped a decade or two and gone straight to middle age. Saturn here can prematurely create grey hairs, wrinkles, age spots, love handles, bone density, flexibility, mobility, vision and hearing problems (and some of those Gen Ys are in for some hearing problems already with the volume seemingly cranked up to 11 on their iPods). But he also gives you (eventually) hard-earned wisdom and the sense of security that comes with being true to yourself. You become more authoritarian and somewhat less social. Part of this is that you may feel a more serious side coming out and you fear that others won’t like you for it. Don’t worry, they admire the extra depth within you. Curiously, this transit also makes it much easier to lose weight – don’t lose too much though, that really IS ageing!

If you had internal “niggles” that something had to change before, it will be unavoidable now. You may attract rather critical types who will tell you your shortcomings in no uncertain terms. You may also start to feel older, with the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. If you’ve never been into comedies much before, I’d overdose on them now. It will be all too easy to feel depressed and morose and unlovable, which is obviously ridiculous! Letting your guard down and letting them seeing the true you AND knowing they still love you anyway will be incredibly touching. You may also see a vision of the “future adult” in your children. Use 13 November to have a deeply intimate conversation with someone about yourself. Their laser-focus insights may help you see what you need to change to feel truly happy

Saturn goes retrograde from 2 March to 20 July, creating a four-month period when you may feel more than a little insecure, serious, pragmatic, cautious and afraid of rejection. You may find it harder than usual to get your goals achieved and you may rethink your life’s direction, too. Try to count to 10 when someone criticises you, like for the millionth time. Your leadership ability will return.

Love and Relationships

Scorpio is another zodiac sign that likes committed clearly defined, structured relationships. They are cautious about marriage, but when they do commit to a relationship they tend to be faithful – and heaven help the mate caught or even suspected of infidelity! The jealousy of the Scorpio is legendary. They can be so intense in their jealousy that even the thought or intention of infidelity will be detected and is likely to cause as much of a storm as if the deed had actually been done.

Scorpios tend to settle down with those who are wealthier than they are. They usually have enough intensity for two, so in their partners they seek someone pleasant, hard-working, amiable, stable and easy-going. They want someone they can lean on, someone loyal behind them as they fight the battles of life. To a Scorpio a partner, be it a lover or a friend, is a real partner – not an adversary. Most of all a Scorpio is looking for an ally, not a competitor.

If you are in love with a Scorpio you will need a lot of patience. It takes a long time to get to know Scorpios, because they do not reveal themselves readily. But if you persist and your motives are honourable, you will gradually be allowed into a Scorpio’s inner chambers of the mind and heart.

Scorpio Love and Relationship trends 2014

Neptune is now in your 5th house of romance and this planet will have a long stay in this area. Its positive influence on your relationships is to make you sensitive to the moods of your friends, family and other loved ones.

If you are single, Neptune suggests the romantic partner you choose in 2014 will be on your mental level. The most likely places for meeting romantic partners will be at social gatherings that take in artistic pursuits and musical interests like theatre-going or art and photography workshops.

Whether you are single or attached, the best period for romance will be between the 20th February and 22nd March when Venus will be travelling through your love zone or towards the end of April and start of May.

Financial Horoscope

Love, birth, life as well as death are Nature’s most potent transformations; Scorpios are interested in all of these. In our society, money is a transforming power, too, and a Scorpio is interested in money for that reason. To a Scorpio money is power, money causes change, money controls. It is the power of money that fascinates them. But Scorpios can be too materialistic if they are not careful. They can be overly awed by the power of money, to a point where they think that money rules the world.

Even the term ‘plutocrat’ comes from Pluto, the ruler of the sign of Scorpio. Scorpios will – in one way or another – achieve the financial status they strive for. When they do so they are careful in the way they handle their wealth. Part of this financial carefulness is really a kind of honesty, for Scorpios are usually involved with other people’s money – as accountants, lawyers, stockbrokers or corporate managers – and when you handle other people’s money you have to be more cautious than when you handle your own.

In order to fulfil their financial goals, Scorpios have important lessons to learn. They need to develop qualities that do not come naturally to them, such as breadth of vision, optimism, faith, trust and, above all, generosity. They need to see the wealth in Nature and in life, as well as in its more obvious forms of money and power. When they develop generosity their financial potential reaches great heights, for Jupiter, the Lord of Opulence and Good Fortune, is Scorpio’s money planet.

Scorpio Career and Public Image

Scorpio’s greatest aspiration in life is to be considered by society as a source of light and life. They want to be leaders, to be stars. But they follow a very different road than do Leos, the other stars of the zodiac. A Scorpio arrives at the goal secretly, without ostentation; a Leo pursues it openly. Scorpios seek the glamour and fun of the rich and famous in a restrained, discreet way.

Scorpios are by nature introverted and tend to avoid the limelight. But if they want to attain their highest career goals they need to open up a bit and to express themselves more. They need to stop hiding their light under a bushel and let it shine. Above all, they need to let go of any vindictiveness and small-mindedness. All their gifts and insights were given to them for one important reason – to serve life and to increase the joy of living for others. 

Scorpio Work Trends 2014

With Saturn in your sign it will be vital to conform to the demands of officialdom and the establishment when it comes to your profession. Career matters could be closely connected with legal and official business and your views will sometimes clash with the system. When this occurs you need to be very careful about how and when to confront those who are in a position to make important changes. Making the wrong move at the wrong time could spoil your chances of future success.

There will be times when you feel a need to be on your own and to withdraw from the work and social scene completely. Try not to let these moments last for too long because your future depends on you being willing to mix with others and become involved in joint activities.

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